Pop Slots Landing Pages

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Like every other concept in the marketing world, the concept of landing pages also evolves. Therefore, you need to keep up with the latest landing pages trends and change design og yours from time to time. Luckily you are able to do it smoothly with a free landing page creator and add as many elements as you’d like on your every whim completely free of charge. But what these additional elements could be?

I’m sure you already have all those high quality images that give your landing page professional and neat look. For sure you also have a visible and properly put call to action. However, have you ever thought about adding some pop ups on your landing page?

I realise that pop ups do not really bring nice and pleasant memories and are rather associated with aggression and not truly exemplary practices of companies. However, would you believe me if I tell you that all this bad reputation of pop ups is actually exaggerated and only your competitors should believe in those fairy tales? And that pop ups literally can increase your conversions and engagement if are used wisely? Let me tell you then why it is worth to use them and how to do it in a smart manner.

Pop ups on landing pages can be your secret weapon

People tend to focus on bad things and memories. Therefore, naturally when they hear “pop ups” they screw their faces and think about that time they were searching for something and some popup advertisement blocked entire website, there was no exit button to be seen and they just got irritated. But try to imagine how differently they would feel if a popup actually offered a solution to their problem. I bet they wouldn’t have tensed up. And this kind of pop ups you want on your landing page.

Obviously all kinds of pop ups are quite disruptive as they literally block entire websites or their parts. However, even if it doesn’t sound really compelling it is an effective tactic. With pop ups you can be sure you have attention of the visitors and even if they don’t want it they check subliminally what it is about.

First moment will always be a little disturbing. Consequently – what you need to do is to make sure that the second one will demonstrate them that your popup can be beneficial. And you are able to do that by following best landing page pop ups practices.

Best landing page pop ups practices

There are numerous exemplary landing pages pop ups practices to be followed. Let me quote you three the most crucial ones in order to make your pop ups engaging instead of driving people away.

Offering value for value

The easiest way to encourage the visitors to subscribe via your popup is to offer them something they need what somehow is related to your product or service. In the marketing world it is called a lead magnet and not only does it increase a number of conversions but also show the potential customers the quality of your work what make them more willing to purchase later.

There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to lead magnets. It can be something simple and quick to create like a short video, a calendar or more time-consuming like an e-book or a guide. However, when deciding what to offer most crucial is thinking about your target audience and their needs. Try to get into their shoes and provide them with something they truly need.

Nice and neat popup

Another thing about pop ups is the fact that they need to look professional and neat. If your landing page popup is poorly designed and it looks rubbish nobody wants to do anything with that. Don’t put too much images, texts and buttons. It has to be simple – one image and one sentence is enough. But it has to be a proper image and a meaningful sentence.

With a popup you should just inform them what you offer in exchange for subscribing. If, for example, your lead magnet is an e-book, try to convince them they really need this e-book and add an extract or an image showing it’s worth having. Put as little information as possible but keep most powerful you are able to.

Visible exit button

Last but not least, respect your visitors and do not make them search for an exit button for an hour or more. Not everybody can be interested right away and want just to keep browsing. Enable them it and keep in mind that your landing page popup needs to be user friendly.

An exit button should be placed in a visible, easy to find spot. Do not play with your new potential leads hide-and-seek as, even though in real life it is an awesome game, in online business world it has rather negative (than positive) value.

Did you know that simple changes on your landing page, like including a video, can increase your conversions up to 8%? Which is why it’s so important to find the best landing page creator for your business that will not only offer you the highest chance of closing a lead but also has valuable features and competitive prices.

Before getting into the tips of making an attractive landing page, I would suggest you check the Elementor page builder’s features, which is a fantastic tool for high-converting landing page creation. As it has both free and premium versions, you should check the Elementor Free Vs Pro Comparison to understand this excellent page builder plugin’s qualities and get the suitable version to build professional landing pages faster than ever.

1. Simplicity

One error that repeatedly is made with landing pages is throwing an overwhelming amount of information at your audience hoping something will stick. Considering we now have the attention span of goldfish, there’s no surprise this method doesn’t work well.

Instead, aim for simplicity. A nice contrasting color against a simple call to opt in. Remember, your visitors shouldn’t have to spend too much time trying to figure out where to go next.

2. Show Don’t Tell

There’s nothing like a landing page that can back up what’s being said, but instead of simply stating traditional testimonials try to include something more engaging. A few video testimonials will have a stronger effect than simple text.

Also, an actual screenshot of a message or email from a customer helps them feel like it’s a real person that’s giving praise to your offer.

3. Personalization Tools

Chances are anyone that visits your landing page is going to go with one question: What’s in it for me? If you can personalize that answer as much as possible, you have a higher chance of converting that lead into a sale.

This can be accomplished by simple tools featured on your landing page. For example, Air BnB’s landing page features a tool that tells you the potential rental value of your home based on your location.

The vacation rental tycoon isn’t alone, there are a number of businesses featuring tools that provide the visitor with extra buying incentive. These companies understand the power of personalization and how to utilize it on their landing page.

4. Fun

More often than not, landing pages take themselves a bit too seriously. We get it, you want to come off as the strong authority in your industry. However, a bit of lighthearted humor can go a long way.

Whether it’s in the form of some oddly endearing cartoon monsters or a sarcastic chat box, your audience is more likely to engage with what’s fun and entertaining.

5. Clear Steps


Your visitor has decided to sign up for your content grab (more on this later), now what? Are they supposed to give their email first? Make an account? Validate that account? Look for a second email?

Whatever the steps may be, make sure they are clear and direct. Also, try and make it as simple as possible. It’s a content grab, not a treasure hunt.

6. Easy to Process Information

Chances are you have a lot to share with your page visitor. You want to tell them why your product is different from the rest, all the work that went into perfecting it, and….oh, look, a goldfish. That’s right, with our beautifully short attention spans there’s a strong chance you’re going to lose them.

That doesn’t mean you can’t tell your story, but choose to do it in a way that will hold their attention. A well-produced video is one way to say what you need to say without throwing in a mountain of text.

Pop Slots Landing Pages Online

7. A Strong Content Grab

People love freebies, which is why the most successful landing pages tend to offer one. Even if your lead isn’t interested in buying right now, you want to keep that chance open in the future. Which is why providing a high-quality content grab is a perfect way to build your list.

So, what makes a content grab high quality? To know that, you have to know your audience. Do enough target audience research to know what your audience truly wants to know, and give it to them. It’s that simple.

Bonus Tips:

Pop Slots Landing Pages Yahoo

Pop Slots Landing Pages

We really want you to succeed, so we’ve included a few additional tips to help you build a landing page that converts. Include these into your page to give it an added boost.

Pop slots landing pages page

A Catchy Header

The header is the first piece of copy your visitor will read, so make it a place where you stand out among the audience. This means avoiding anything that sounds too much like a sales pitch, and often it means using a bit of humor.

What’s important is coming to your audience as a friend and someone who has struggled with the same challenges they face. Remember, people tend to shut off when they feel like they are being sold too.

The Little Details

There are subtle details that can go a long way when it comes to building your landing page. These can be as simple as tiny arrows directing your visitor’s attention to a link, or even a slight zoom on a photo where you want a visitor to pay more attention.

The great thing about such details is they accomplish what you’re looking for without making your landing page appear cluttered or overwhelming.

A Little Help


Sometimes your visitors are just checking out your page to get a question answered or learn a bit more. If your landing page is going for a more simplistic, clean look, you may be concerned that you aren’t offering up enough information.

By having a tastefully placed chatbot on your landing page you can give your visitor the power to request more information instead of just throwing it at them. It also provides you with an additional opportunity to sell.

Simple Beauty

Pop Slots Landing Pages Page

Did you know that studies have found that a majority of people will leave a web page simply because it’s unattractive? Be sure that among all your opt-ins, tools, and videos, you leave some space for simple beauty.

It may be what turns a lead into a customer.

The Best Landing Page Creator for Powerful Conversion Rates

When it’s time to build your own landing page we strongly suggest turning to the best landing page creator for stronger results. Not only will you find pre-made templates for a wide variety of industries, but you’ll also find it incredibly easy to customize your landing page to meet your needs.

Landing Pages Examples

Want to see how it works first hand? Contact us today for your free demo and to learn more about creating the perfect landing page for your business.